
This is an album you need to listen to several times. You will be rewarded for it.


Indeed, Rudersdal Chamber Players excels at enigma – and the performers embody the intimacy that enables it’s execution, while taking flight where needed.

BBC Music Magazine

Unforgettable, both music and performance.

Fanfare Magazine

Esparilla realisiert seinen rhythmisch teilweise kniffligen Part höchst überzeugend. Die Streicher steuern Farbe und eine wundervoll präzise Intonation in den Klangflächen mit Reizakkorden bei.

Klassisk Heute

These performances were clearly carefully prepared and are expertly delivered.

Music Web International

These performances are as formidably accomplished as expected from musicians of the highly regarded. Rudersdal Chamber Players, and the sound leaves nothing to be desired. Ruders admirers and newcomers alike should find much to reward them here.


Rudersdal Chamber Players spiller fremragende og har virkelig fået Ruders særlige musik helt ind under huden, så deres tolkning fremstår stilren og overbevisende.


The excellent performers know how to hit exactly the right note with flawless playing. In any case, the Rudersdal Chamber Players offer a valuable recording of these three intense works, which they skillfully characterize and differentiate.


Rudersdal Chamber Players is an outstanding ensemble. All members are first class instrumentalists with a responsive attitude and a deep understanding of the musical material. This is the chamber music making at very high level. For the first time ever I listened to a performance of my piano quartet ”In l’istesso tempo” without having anything to criticise. I also enjoyed the Rudersdal Chamber Player’s energetic, devoted and well-balanced interpretations of
Brahms and Mozart. The audience was enthusiastic and the whole atmosphere at the concerts was indeed wonderful.

– Giya Kancheli

GIYA KANCHELI's signature

In August 2019 we have been invited to composers in residence of “Rudersdal Sommerkoncerter”. We recieved two commissions for the main ensabmle of the festival Rudersdal Kammersolister (Piaon Quartet). Both our commissiond works were brilliantly performed with great understanding and artistry. The ensamble is distinguished by subtley, hight culture and masterly craftmanship.

dmitri smirnov and elena-firsova's signatures

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